Trademark Filing @ 6000/Only

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IPR Law Firm and IPR Services India Lawyers, Consultants, Attorney
Call Us : +91-8800-100-281

International Trademark Search

Thorough and subtle international trademark search is pre-requisite for getting one's trademark flawlessly registered with the concerned international trademark office. The international trademark registration is needed for extending one's businesses to international horizons. This grants proper accreditation and recognition to products or services of a foreign company in the international market. Today, almost all businesses are being extended to international or worldwide level, propelled by the necessity of getting bigger and better businesses. Hence, international trademark search services are indispensable part of ours all legal services related with trademarks. These international trademark search services are explained clearly and fully in the lower section. Our law firm is one of the well-known and popular service providers of the whole world to people and entities in all economic sectors, in connection with all areas of the law, inseparably including the intellectual property law and rights. Being well-based in India, our law firm has been noticeably prominent for performing international trademark search in india.

International Trademark Search Services

Ours international trademark search services are available for all trademark classes, and in all across the whole world. These services are provided in connection with international trademark registration to be made under the TRIPS Agreement of the WTO, Berne or Paris Convention, the Madrid Protocol of the WIPO, and the European Community Trademark. For such searches ours well-informed and proficient trademark attorneys go vigilantly through the databases of all filed trademark applications awaiting registration with the related international trademark office, and all databases of previously registered trademarks in the same and different fields of business, profession, or service. Based on the search results, they then make some necessary changes to the proposed trademark, if necessary, in order to render the trademark fully original, unique, and free of infringement accusations by other entities.

Office Address : S -191 C, Manak Apartments, School Block, Shakarpur, Delhi-92, India. / +91-8800-100-281