Trademark Class 15 | Musical Instruments
Presented is rich and very productive information about the trademark class 15, in ours this informational web article. We are well-versed in supporting expertly all national and international registrations of all diverse objects of intellectual property, for over a decade. Besides in-depth and very beneficial information about the trademark class 15 and its all trademarks, illustrated also are our brisk and best services for registration of these in India or abroad, both at national and international levels worldwide. Our innovative and prestigious IPR law firm is well-established in Delhi, and by dint of its flawless, expeditious, and economical services, it now ranks among the most popular and leading IPR law firms of India with worldwide service coverage.
This discrete trademark class 15 is globally prominent for being related with the trademarks used in the fields of various musical instruments. Hence, a company which deals in diverse musical instruments, essentially require to register it's any trademark under this trademark class 15, for doing business in any part of the concerned country, or in any foreign countries of the world. The following musical instruments and objects are encompassed by this specific trademark class 15:
- Electrical and Electronic Musical Instruments
- Keyboard Instruments
- Woodwind Instruments
- Percussion Instruments
- Mechanical Pianos and Accessories
- Brass Instruments
- Musical Boxes
- Musical Accessories
Very enlightening and securing is here to mention that apparatus and instruments for recording, amplifying, transmission, and reproduction of sound, are not registered under this trademark class 15; as these belong to the trademark class 09. Prompt and perfect services at quite reasonable charges are offered by ours prestigious law firm of India, for Indian and all international registrations of all trademarks which are covered by the trademark class 15 musical instruments and apparatus. All international registrations of the trademarks contained in this class 15 musical instruments, are executed under the Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, the European Community Trademark, and the TRIPS Agreement. In India, these trademarks are registered with any of the five regional trademark registry offices of the country, strictly as per the guidelines and regulations provided in the trademarks act of 1999, and the trade marks rules of 2002. Apart from well-rounded support for registration, ours trademark lawyers of repute also offer all other legal services for protection and upkeep of these trademarks in all across India and countries located in all around the whole world.