Trademark Class 45 | Personal and Social Services
The trademark class 45 is the last class in the list provided in the trademark classification of worldwide recognition. This class contains service marks which are used for conduction of services like personal and social services, security services for property and individuals, legal services, religious and spiritual services, etc. Therefore, people and companies which offer these services in any country, register their respective service mark under this trademark class 45 only and exclusively. More information about this class 45 personal and social services, is provided below, along with a concise information about our legal services for all service marks kept in this trademark class 45. Our well-equipped, ambitious, and fast prospering IPR law firm of India is globally reputed for offering impeccable and swift legal services for all diverse objects of the intellectual property to people and companies located in countries of the world over. Because of its location in Delhi (India), our prestigious law firm is hugely popular and highly preferred in cities all across India, for such superb and economical services.
This very significant and glamorous class of service marks contains the business marks of the following broad services:- Services for Safety, Security, and Rescue of People and Property
- Legal Services
- Personal and Social Services
- Detective Services
- Astrological Services
- Religious and Spiritual Services
- Funerary Services
- Services of Marriage Agencies
- Rental Services for Clothing
Utmost significant is to note at this juncture that the service marks employed for the following services, do not come under the gamut of this trademark class 45: professional services to business companies [class 35]; services related with finance and insurance [class 36]; escorting of tourists and travelers [class 39]; educational services [class 41]; entertaining services [class 41]; services for security and protection of computer software [class 42]; security transportation [class 39]; and medical and veterinary services [class 44].
For all service marks covered in this trademark class 45 personal and social services, our trademark lawyers and litigators of international admiration and repute offer all legal services, including the service for trademark registration, trademark renewal, trademark opposition, trademark infringement litigation, trademark watch and monitoring, trademark prosecutions for various objectives, trademark search and infringement analysis, selling and purchasing of trademarks, and hiring and trading of trademarks in all 45 classes. These services are provided under the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark, at the international levels worldwide, in addition to the national-level registration, maintenance, and protection in individual countries of the world.